The shortlists for the Aurealis Awards were announced yesterday. Congratulations to all of the nominees! It was a delight to witness the celebrations on social media, particularly among the first-timers.
I found the experience surprisingly hard as a judge. I just want to shake everyone and rave about these wonderful stories, but will need to keep a lid on it until the winners are announced. It’s the most difficult sort of secret for me to keep.
However, there was still a surprise in store for me: I’ve been nominated for the Convenors’ Award for Excellence for my work here at Earl Grey Editing. The award serves as a kind of catch-all for everything that doesn’t fit into Aurealis’ categories, including fan writing, criticism and podcasts. As the title suggests, it will be judged by the convenors of the other panels.
It is a great honour to be recognised by the community, so thank you to whoever nominated me (I have my suspicions).
Oh, how exciting!!! Congratulations!
Thank you! It was quite a surprise.