Australian SFF book bloggers, Earl Grey Editing, speculative fiction, TWSBI 580, fountain pen, Lirael, Garth Nix, Dreamer's Pool, Juliet Marillier, Australian bluebell, tea and books

Australian SFF book bloggers

One thing I find interesting about being involved with both the writing community and the reading community is noting where these groups intersect–and where they should intersect but don’t. Last month’s meeting of the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild discussed marketing books. Naturally, the topic of reviewing arose. With paid reviewers rapidly disappearing from news outlets, connecting […]

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To star or not to star?

  One of the things I struggled with when starting this blog was whether or not to star my reviews. This is something I’m sure every book blogger thinks about at some point or another. Back in March, Renay pondered review styles over at Ladybusiness. Less recently, I recall Shaheen of Speculating on Spec Fic mention […]

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