Murder on the Titania, Alex Acks, Queen of Swords Press, Earl Grey Editing, tea and books, books and tea

Murder on the Titania by Alex Acks

Published: April 2018 by Queen of Swords Press Format reviewed: E-book (mobi) Series: The Adventures of Captain Ramos and Her Valiant Crew #1 Genres: Mystery, science fiction, alternate history, steampunk Source: Publisher Available: Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Book Depository ~ Booktopia~ Kobo ~ Smashwords Disclaimer: I was provided with a free copy of […]

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Earl Grey Editing, Mt TBR, Illuminae, Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff, In the Dark Spaces, Cally Black, Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi, Elementals, Ice Wolves, Lotus Blue, Cat Sparks, Echoes of Understorey, Thoraiya Dyer

Mt TBR Report: March 2018

I’m very pleased with my reading for March. Once again, I came within one book of breaking even on my acquisitions. I would have made it with plenty to spare, had I not caved in to the feminist SFF book bundle being curated by Cat Rambo. I’m especially pleased because I also had a bit […]

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Midnight and Moonshine, Lisa L. Hannett, Angela Slatter, Ticonderoga Publications, Earl Grey Editing, tea and books, books and tea

Midnight and Moonshine by Lisa Hannett and Angela Slatter

Published: 2012 by Ticonderoga Publications Format reviewed: Paperback, 319 pages Genres: Dark fantasy, horror, historical fantasy Source: Bought from Ticonderoga Reading Challenges: Australian Women Writers Challenge 2017 Available: Publisher (print only) ~ Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Book Depository ~ Booktopia ~ Kobo ~ Smashwords The gods are dead, but will not be forgotten. […]

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