According to my reading stats, the percentage of sci-fi in my reading diet is up on previous years. But it could always use a bit more of a boost. The RIP XIII challenge provided a nice balance of focus and freedom, so I thought I’d try signing up for something similar. SciFiMonth is run by Imyril of x+1 and Lisa of Dear Geek Place, and takes place throughout the month of November. In Imryil’s words:
What is SciFiMonth?
The original blogstravaganza that started it all (for me, anyway) — an excuse to read up the scifi and speculative fiction on your shelf, watch the shows and movies you’ve been meaning to get around to, try out that game or listen to that podcast you’ve heard all about. It’s also a brilliant time to discover new like-minded bloggers, bookstagrammers and booktubers — we don’t mind where you enthuse, just let us know you’re enthusing so we can share and enjoy.
You can make a single post, just join us for a chat on Twitter or go ahead and immerse yourself for the full month of November — there’s no minimum entry requirement and you can’t have too much of a good thing (so long as you remember to eat and sleep along the way).
I’ll mostly be sticking to speculative fiction and space opera: expect aliens, space travel and advanced technologies — but your definition of scifi is the one that counts!
I have a ton of options I could go with for the challenge. I’ve already pulled out a few and set them aside, as you can see below.
These include Fleshers by Alison Croggon and Daniel Keene, The Fallen Sun by David R. Grigg, Companion Piece edited by L.M. Myles and Liz Barr (technically non-fiction, but I figure the Doctor Who theme qualifies it), Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang, Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein, and The Birthday of the World and Other Stories by Ursula Le Guin. Digital options include Mother of Invention edited by Rivqa Rafael and Tansy Rayner Roberts, Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy and Starfarers by Vonda McIntyre.
Should keep me busy, right?
If you’d like to join in, it’s not too late to sign up! You can also jump in at any point throughout November.
In the meantime, what are your favourite sci-fi reads? Is there something you think I should pick up?