Dewey’s read-a-thon is my favourite reading challenge and runs twice a year–in April and October. It runs for 24 hours, but participation for the full length is optional. Which is a good thing, because this round will be kicking off at 11 PM on Saturday 22 October for the east coast of Australia. As usual, I plan to be going to bed around then, but will be up early to cram as much reading as possible into my waking hours.
When I signed up last round, I’d been hoping to get my Mt TBR back under 300 books. That’s a laughable goal this time around. Instead, I’m just looking to get through what I can. Here are a few things I’m thinking about tackling:
I also have a pile of short stories to tackle–notably all of this year’s issues of Uncanny Magazine. Should keep me pretty busy!
Each time I participate in Dewey’s I try to get a little more involved with volunteering. Last year, I co-hosted for a few hours and I’ve signed up again this year. I’ll be hosting Hours 18 & 19, which correspond to 4-6 PM AEST.
If you need to tame your own Mt TBR or are looking to connect with a great community of book bloggers, I do hope you’ll join me. It’s not too late! You can sign up, follow on Twitter, join the Goodreads group or any combination of the three. If you’ve already signed up, I’d love to hear about what you’ll be reading.