Book Bloggers Appreciation Week

BBAW, Book Blogger Appreciation Week, Estella Society

With Valentine’s Day coming up on Sunday, I’m not the only one looking to share the love. The wonderful ladies at the Estella Society are running Book Blogger Appreciation Week. In their words:

This is a week-long event offering you daily prompts that you can dip in and out of at will. You will be able to link your daily posts here and explore new-to-you bloggers and appreciate the ones you already know.

I’ve signed up and that means you’ll be getting a post from me every weekday next week. These will be a mixture of my regular posts along with prompts from BBAW.

Monday will kick off with the usual review as I take a look at one of my most anticipated books for the year: Kings Rising by C.S. Pacat, the final in the Captive Prince trilogy.

Fellow book blogger Hillary from Adventures from the Never Never Land will be joining me on Tuesday for an interview.

On Wednesday I’ll be discussing some of my favourite book bloggers and the books they’ve introduced me to.

Connecting to community will be my topic for Thursday, and Friday will wrap up with a return to Read My Valentine as I ask some friends about their recommendations for speculative fiction gateways into romance.

And after all of that, I’m going to need quite a few cups of tea!


2 thoughts on “Book Bloggers Appreciation Week”

  1. This sounds like such a fun event! I’m a littlle late finding out about it this year to join in. I hope they will have it again next year. Enjoy! ☺

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Michelle. This is my first year participating in BBAW. From what I understand, it has been on hiatus for a while, but hopefully it will become a regular event again.

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