A More Diverse Universe 2014

A More Diverse Universe 2014 banner

A More Diverse Universe is a very simple reading challenge with straightforward requirements. The sign-up post asks participants to:

  • Read and review one book
  • Written by a person of color
  • During the last two weeks of September (September 14th – 27th) 

As with many of the reading challenges I participate in, I first heard about it from Lynn O’Connacht.  As soon as I read her post, I knew this was a challenge I couldn’t pass up. It’s quick, won’t add much to my reading burden and I knew straight away what I wanted to read: The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina.

Kwaymullina is an Aboriginal Australian and was a Guest of Honour at Continuum X in June. Her GoH speech and a number of articles she has written show that diversity in fiction is a matter close to her heart. Coupled with the wonderful things I’ve been hearing from friends in relation to The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to explore her work.

If, like me, your reading pile is somewhat lacking in diversity, it’s not too late to join in. And if you’ve already signed up, please stop in and let me know what you’ll be reading!


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