Bout of Books 16 report

Bout of Books, Ishtar, Amanda Pillar, K.V. Taylor, Cat Sparks, Kaaron Warren, Deborah Biancotti, Alexis Wright, Carpentaria, tea and books

Round 16 of Bout of Books wrapped up yesterday, so it’s time for me to check in with my progress!

In my sign-up post, I mentioned my goal was to get through a minimum of three books. I started out well, tearing through Penric’s Demon by Lois McMaster Bujold. Then I started in on Carpentaria by Alexis Wright. I’d hoped to get through it in time to run a review of it next week, but it wasn’t to be; this literary chunkster refuses to be hurried. By the end of Thursday, I was 90 pages in–less than a fifth of the way through–and I knew I wasn’t going to get through it in time to write the review.

I set Carpentaria aside for the time being and started on Ishtar edited by Amanda Pillar and K.V. Taylor. It didn’t grab me as much as I thought it would, but I managed to finish it off by Sunday evening.

So, two books in total. That’s one short of what I hoped. I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t meet my goal this time around, especially since it’s pretty typical for me to finish two books a week. However, I also realise it was ambitious of me to think I’d finish off Carpentaria so quickly. I hope next time around I won’t be quite as unfocussed and a bit more realistic.

What about you? Did you join in Bout of Books last week? If so, how did you do? If not, what did you read over the week?



2 thoughts on “Bout of Books 16 report”

  1. I am glad I didn’t join in the end… I hardly read anything and had technical issues with my audiobook. 🙁 I am glad things went well with you! (I have no idea what is going on with my computer, but I really apologize if this ridiculously long because it keeps hitting enter over and over again!)

    1. I saw you were having some issues with your audiobook. It must have been very frustrating.

      It’s nice that Bout of Books runs so frequently. It means the next time is never too far away. Perhaps you’ll join in then?

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