Bout of Books, Round 15 sign-up


Back in August, I participated in my very first Bout of Books round. For those unfamiliar with the event, it’s a low pressure reading challenge that runs for one week. Participants select their own goals and can participate in give-aways and Twitter chats.

Bout of Books runs three times a year, with the first round for 2016 set to kick off on 4 January. The sign-up post is not up yet, but Earl Grey Editing will be shutting for a short time over the holidays. Since I need all the help I can get with Mt TBR (and Christmas is likely to exacerbate the situation), I will be signing up as soon as I can. I hope it will get my 2016 reading off to a good start.

I managed to read six books during Bout of Books 14. My goal this time around is to equal that. Here’s a peek at some of the books I’m hoping to tackle:


You’ll probably notice some overlap with my pile for the Sci-fi Experience reading challenge. And on the Kindle:



It looks ambitious, but I don’t plan to get through all of it–I just like to have some variety available.

If you’d like to join in, keep an eye on Bout of Books for the sign-up post or follow them on Twitter.

How do you plan to kick off your reading for 2016?