It has been quite the weekend for reading challenges. Dewey’s read-a-thon took place on Sunday and was a blast, as always. But I will get to that in another post.
Saturday marked the end of the Diversiverse reading challenge. For those that need reminding, A More Diverse Universe is a very simple reading challenge. It asks participants to:
- Read and review one book
- Written by a person of color
- During the first two weeks of October (October 4th-17th)
The timing this year was a little later than previous years and unfortunately coincided with a number of other commitments (including Conflux). While I still met the challenge, it was a low bar to meet and I would have liked to manage to both read and review a few more books. I think a bit more preparation on my part may help with that next year; the shift in scheduling caught me a bit off-guard.
Nevertheless, I managed to both read and review two books this year. Nalini Singh provided me some perfect brain candy with Angels’ Blood and Archangel’s Kiss. While I don’t think the latter was quite as good as the former, it was still a very entertaining series and I plan to pick up the next book. I was also delighted by Intisar Khanini’s Thorn. It actually managed to keep me up during the middle of Conflux on a night I promised myself I’d get to bed early. It was a gorgeous tale and has convinced me I need to track down more of Khanini’s work.
The purpose of A More Diverse Universe is to introduce readers to new, diverse authors. Since it has now introduced me to three fantastic authors (including Ambelin Kwaymullina last year), I consider my participation a success and will be signing up again next year–even if next year looks to be as busy as this one.
A big thank you to Aarti of BookLust for running such a rewarding challenge.