I’ve always been a bookworm and this weekend I got a chance to really indulge by participating in Dewey’s 24-hour read-a-thon. It started at 11pm local time. Not being masochistic enough to go for the full 24-hours, I made sure to get a good night’s sleep (really, it’s safer for everyone). My tweets tell the rest of the story.
This read-a-thon was a bit quieter than usual for me. I managed 7 hours of actual reading time and finished off 2 books, compared to the 9 hours and 6 books I made it through last time. However, I had a lovely time interacting with the community on Twitter and was very happy to reduce the height of Mt TBR by any amount.
In contrast, the read-a-thon itself seems to be growing bigger every time. Almost 1000 readers signed up. I want to send a huge thank you to the organisers. They work tirelessly to make sure there are hourly hosts, mini-challenges and prizes. They also organise teams of cheerleaders to make sure that each and every reader who has signed up gets supported and encouraged throughout the day. I had a few members of Team Bronte stop by and leave comments (of course the teams are named after literary figures!)
If you’re feeling like you missed out on the fun, don’t despair! The next read-a-thon will take place on 26 April 2015 for Australia. I already have it marked in my calendar.